It is important to have fire extinguishers within the house to prevent household fires as they start. It is important to note that not all extinguishers work the same. This video shows which fire extinguishers work best and where to store them in your home.
As per the presenter, recommendations by national fire departments could be vague. It’s crucial to have specific knowledge about fire extinguishers for your home. In addition, he revealed an intriguing information: there are a lot of rooms that require fire extinguishers. Among these, the kitchen and garage are both crucial because a lot of household fires originate in one of the two rooms. Garages should be equipped with the biggest extinguisher that you have in your home.
The video’s host, there are times in which you should quit your house rather than trying to put out the fire by yourself. That’s why just as important to putting fire extinguishers into the proper place is knowing when and when to make use of them.